Camille is such a big girl now! The pic to the right is her “hand on her hip” pose lol!

Hands on our hips!

Must start off with kisses!

Air guitar with the whisk!

Killing this bread isnt she?!

Cut a slit in between your bread to create a pocket for stuffing!

Add sugar to your fruit to bring out sweetness!

Add more sugar mommy!! More!

The cream cheese and raspberry jam looked so good, we had to have a taste!

Stuff your bread with the fruit filling and add raspberries!

Time to make the custard!

So pretty plated and dusted with powdered sugar!

Camille loved it, she ate the whole thing!
Mothers Day gifts are something that should feel thoughtful and special to the one you love. I remember my first Mother’s Day a little after Camille was born about two years ago. Her father bought me a sweet charm bracelet and held Camille in his arms as she held the bag. It was the sweetest thing ever and of course I cried. Thoughtful gifts always come from the heart and thats the best feeling ever!
Mother’s Day is around the corner. Have you thought of Mothers Day gifts yet? Well, I have a great gift idea to share with you today. As you can see, my little and I are in the kitchen in this post cooking breakfast. Stuffed French Toast to be exact (click HERE for the Recipe)! Camille loves to help mommy in the kitchen. Every weekend we typically cook pancakes together, well we used to as she was on a pancake kick for a minute! Its always a pleasure to have my little helper in the kitchen and get a little messy with I must say. Which really made me think about getting us aprons, so we could get messy in the kitchen and not on ourselves for once!
So I was super excited to partner with Belle Eve Clothing on making us “Mommy and Me” aprons! They have quite a few options for “mommy and me” aprons or just Mommy or whoever! Our aprons came out perfect! The aprons are made out of cotton canvas and has a detachable bow (Camille’s came with one too, but I discovered it in her toy box after the shoot lol). When I showed the aprons to Camille she got VERY excited. One of her favorite books, “Billie B. Brown Bakery Adventure” shows the character and her friends at school, baking in the “bakery.” As soon as she saw the apron, she called it “my bakery” and put it on immediately. Lol. I had to plead with her to take it off. Toddlers I tell ya!
Belle Eve Clothing is a great Mothers Day gift option!
I hope that you’ve enjoyed this post and check out the Stuffed French Toast recipe. I found it on Pinterest. It was very easy to make and tasted delish! You can use any fruit you like and really make it your own. They are perfect to just grab and go, you dont even need syrup. They are sweet enough on their own!
Shout out to all the food bloggers out there, I was exhausted after this shoot. I don’t know how you guys do it cooking and taking pics at the same darn time. Well, I did have a toddler that I had to keep interested, but still. Hats off to you! Oh and thanks to my hubby who became Instagram husband for this shoot and putting up with my critiques of his picture taking abilities lol.
Be sure to check out Belle Eve’s line of aprons. I am sure you will find a perfect Mothers Day gift for the special lady in your life!
Outfit Details
Belle Eve Clothing “Mommy and Me” Mint and Peach Apron
Seven for All Mankind “Gwenevere” Slit Knee Jean
Bakeware Details
Extra Large Wood Chopping Board
Target Chalkboard Canister with Metallic Lid